How Long from Foreclosure to Eviction in Florida?

The foreclosure process is one that most people want nothing to do with. However, there are unfortunate situations that sometimes leave homeowners with no other option. Or at least that’s what some people think! The fact is, there are some steps that can either prolong or even halt the process.


Let’s take a look at how long it takes to go from foreclosure to eviction in Florida, and how to resolve your problem before it reaches that point.

How Long from Foreclosure to Eviction in Florida?

The foreclosure legal framework can be complicated and may require a great deal of relevant knowledge because regulations and laws can vary drastically among the states. Florida is what’s called a “judicial foreclosure state.” What this means is that every Florida foreclosure is handled in the state’s court system.


The sunshine state has nearly the longest timeline for foreclosure in the United States. Although Florida’s Senate has tried to reduce this, it’s still on the high end. Most experts will agree that most foreclosures in Florida take around 4 months. However, it’s not uncommon to hear stories where it took over a year or longer.


While this may seem like a lot of time, it passes fast and can leave you at a loss if you don’t quickly make a plan.


So, what can you do?

Options to Avoid Foreclosure in Florida

Well, you have several good options to avoid foreclosure in Florida. Here are some of the best ones:

Call Your Lender

The best option is to first reach out to your lender. See if you’re eligible for payment options, refinancing, forbearance, or even a modified loan. Though the company is not obligated to negotiate with you, some companies will in order to avoid the foreclosure process.

Fight the Foreclosure

This option will require you to hire an attorney. The good news is that there are many foreclosure attorneys in Florida. Just know that if you make this choice, you will have to make court appearances and argue to dispute the charges. Be sure you have evidence to support your claims because courts won’t be happy if you’re not forthright or honest.


Yet, if this is a good option for you, wrongful foreclosure investigations can force the lender to prove they own the mortgage and more. If there is anything “wrong” on the mortgage company’s end, foreclosure can be denied.

Sell the House for Cash

The last option that many people choose is to sell the house for cash. Several reputable companies buy houses for cash in Florida, making this is a relatively easy and reasonable option. These companies essentially buy the homes in their current “as is” condition for a cash price. This can alleviate a great deal of stress as the homeowner doesn’t have to worry about making any required repairs on the home, hire costly attorneys, or end up facing eviction.


So, even though the eviction process can take anywhere from about 4 months to a year or more in Florida, it’s best to create a plan and begin implementing it as soon as possible.

Florida Companies that Buy Houses

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